About the meeting

The EMBO Young Scientists Forum (EYSF) is an annual EMBO initiative that aims to bring young European researchers together in an informal atmosphere in order to inspire students and postdocs to pursue a career in the life sciences. The meeting is a great opportunity for PhD students, postdocs and junior investigators to interact with Europe's most promising scientists and members of the EMBO Young Investigator Program.
In addition to attending the science talks, you will have an opportunity to present a poster of your work and some abstracts will be selected for a short oral presentation. In addition, you can join informal discussions with the speakers and other invited guests on a career in science and participate in short workshops to improve important skills.
The 9th EYSF is organized by the EMBO members, young investigators and EMBO installation grantees from the Gulbenkian Institute for Science, Lisbon, Portugal. The meeting will be held at the Gulbenkian foundation, a spectacular location that also houses world class art museums and a full orchestra. The foundation is located near the center of Lisbon, an ancient captivating Atlantic city at the mouth of the Tagus river, the political and cultural capital of Portugal.